Experts in Shared Services Center Profile SelectionOur team combines native language skills with technical recruitment expertise, enabling us to offer you future employees with the right profile and language skills to fill your vacancies. We aim to understand the candidate's journey and motivation, as well as your company's culture, to help you find the right person for the role.How we find the best talent We define your selection needs We provide 360º consultancy, guiding you throughout the entire selection process. We accompany and advise you both in defining the position and selecting the profile.First step: Defining your needsTo find the ideal profile for your company, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the business with you to determine which profiles in your sector could make a difference. Our consultants will meet with you to understand your challenges and needs. Together we will define:What knowledge and competencies are needed.The required experience.The professional profiles most suitable for your environment.To find the talent you're looking for, we consult our local and international network and present you with the most interesting profiles.Second step: Candidate selectionWe work together to choose the professional who best fits the position. We conduct a series of face-to-face or online interviews to assess the competencies of each professional and how well they fit into your company's culture. We plan the interview phase with both parties.Third step: Finalizing an offerWe advise you on finalizing an offer that is tailored to your budget, the candidate's level of motivation, and market demands. Thanks to our extensive knowledge of profile selection trends in the sector, you'll have more negotiating power. For example, we can provide insights into which types of incentives are valued above the salary requirement. Additionally, our role doesn't end there: we assist you during the onboarding process for the selected professionals into your new team. Specialty and expertise We are an international company, and it's important to highlight that we have locally trained specialists in each of the countries where we operate.Our consultants have their own areas of expertise, making us valuable partners. They quickly grasp your reality and needs. They understand and differentiate the skills required for each position, such as languages, trends, and the latest developments.We focus on all business functions, including:FinanceMarketingTechnologyHelp / Service DeskHuman ResourcesCustomer Service Proactivity and agility We've set out to be a key player in your selection processes. We help you build a competent team, enabling your company to stand out in such a competitive market. Contracts / Agreements tailored to each need and project. The job market is constantly evolving. That's why it's essential to know what conditions are most sought after by talent at any given time. We closely follow trends and changes and can advise you on the type of contract most suitable for the positions you want to fill.Does the position better suit someone seeking the stability of a permanent contract, or would it be more attractive to someone who prefers the flexibility of temporary work? We'll help you understand the benefits of each contract and define the best strategy in each case.Why trust us?360º ConsultancyFrom identifying key needs to the interview phase and onboarding.Flexible and Fast ProcessesWe devise innovative solutions and expedite the process when necessary.Market KnowledgeHaving the support of an expert makes a difference. Additionally, we have a broad international network and specialize in professional niche searches.¡Descubre qué deparará el mercado laboral!Conoce las tendencias salariales de tu sector. Accede al estudio ¿Buscas empleo en Shared Services Center?Tenemos vacantes en diferentes sectores y ciudades. Encuentra con nosotros tu próximo proyecto profesional. Buscar ofertas Contacta con nosotrosSi necesitas hablar sobre las necesidades de contratación de tu empresa, rellena por favor el siguiente formulario y uno de nuestros consultores se pondrá en contacto contigo. Nombre* Apellido* Email* Cargo* Empresa* Teléfono (sin espacios)* Área/Sector* - Seleccionar -BancaComercialCompras & LogísticaConsultoría y EstrategiaCustomer ServiceDigital & eCommerceEducaciónFinanzasHealthcareIngenieríaInmobiliaria & ConstrucciónMarketingMedio ambiente & EnergíaOil & GasRecursos HumanosRetailSecretarial & Business SupportShared Services CentersSector PúblicoSegurosTax & LegalTecnologíaTurismo & HosteleríaOtros Comunidad Autónoma* - Seleccionar -AndalucíaAndorraAragónAsturiasBalearesCanariasCantabriaCastilla La ManchaCastilla y LeónCataluñaCeutaExtremaduraGaliciaInternacionalLa RiojaMadridMelillaMurciaNavarraPaís VascoValencia Selecciona una opción* - Seleccionar -Soy empresaSoy candidat@ Qué posición / perfil profesional estás buscando?**Campos obligatoriosUtilizaremos los datos personales que nos proporcione a través de este formulario para ponernos en contacto con usted y ofrecerle nuestros servicios de selección de acuerdo con nuestros Términos y Condiciones de Contratación. En nuestra Política de Privacidad, encontrará información más detallada sobre las categorías de datos personales que recopilamos, las finalidades del tratamiento así como los derechos que le asisten en relación con el tratamiento de sus datos.Tras el registro le enviaremos información sobre nuestros servicios. En la parte inferior de nuestros correos electrónicos, encontrará un enlace a nuestro Centro de preferencias de marketing. Puede oponerse en todo momento al tratamiento de sus datos personales por parte de PageGroup para el envío de información comercial sobre nuestros servicios, ya sea enviando un correo electrónico a o haciendo clic en el enlace para darse de baja en la parte inferior de nuestros correos electrónicos.